
Awarding 2024!


Awarding 2024: Graduation Day at the IS OWL Graduation Day at the IS OWL is truly special! The Graduation Day at the International School OWL is a day like no other, filled with both happiness and a touch of sadness. On the one hand, we celebrate our graduates for achieving an incredible milestone, opening doors to study in Germany or anywhere in the world. On the other hand, we're a sad to say goodbye to the wonderful students with whom we've shared unforgettable moments. Congratulations, Class Q2!

Awarding 2024!2024-07-16T10:10:55+02:00

Best student in Europe


Award for the best student in Europe We are proud to announce that one of our IS OWL students has just been honoured with the official Outstanding Pearson Learner Award. To be recognised for achieving the best performance across Europe in a science discipline - among thousands of students - is an achievement that only few have ever achieved. What a great honour! Congratulations to our student Zhendong and the teachers who made this success possible. He came with language level A1 is now fluent in German and studying Computer Science in Karlsruhe, Germany. A great progress.

Best student in Europe2024-01-10T09:16:39+01:00

Our trip to the local Zoo


Our trip to the local Zoo! Two weeks ago, our students went to the local Zoo. For us, education is not a classrom only-experience. It is more like discovering your educational environment with head and hands. Our students truly seem to have enjoyed their daytrip to the Zoo. We are already looking forward to the next daytrip!

Our trip to the local Zoo2024-01-10T09:19:09+01:00



Arts Circle for artists & hobbyists! The International School OWL is known for excellence in economics, natural science and teachers with a doctorade who are "number artists" . The perfect basis for ambitous students who plan to study in Germany. ..but sometimes even a bit boring! To offer our students a maximum of fun and variety we've just hired a passionate artist and teacher who can draw on many years of experience in arts and paiting. A true enrichment for the IS OWL. But of course, the art course is only a break from the daily routine in school. Students are only invited to participate! (mailto: w.qiu@is-owl.de)

ARTS FOR ARTISTS & HOBBYISTS2024-01-10T09:09:02+01:00

Digital Parents’ Days


Digital Parent's Days One important aspect in our daily work is to keep the parents of our day and boarding students up to date. This week again, we have started our so-called "Digital Parents' Days" where parents get details on the individual progress of our students, not only in the framework of the International School OWL but also in terms of boarding life and boarding environment. Started in 2021, we currently plan to expand our Digital Parents' Days in 2022 and 2023.

Digital Parents’ Days2024-01-10T09:25:31+01:00

A-Level exams


A-Level exams In the last two weeks, our two schools in Vogeliusweg and Technology Park held some A-level exams. For some of our students, these were also their first exams at the International School OWL. After looking through the first exams, our teachers have a really good feeling. Of course we are very happy to hear that, because for many of our students the A-Level exams are the first step into an international career. Exams were written in English, German, mathematics and chemistry, among other subjects.

A-Level exams2023-04-26T11:51:19+02:00



Excursión A few weeks ago, we invited our students to join us on an excursion through the city of Paderborn. In addition to the famous Neuhaus Castle in the district of Schloß Neuhaus, where some of our teaching facilities are located, we also visited the University of Paderborn as well as the city center and other places and sightings of interest in Paderborn. We hope that our students had a great day!


We explore Paderborn!


We explore Paderborn! Two weeks ago, we moved our lessons outside and went to the Paderborn spring area to do some experiments. Even though our students were still on vacation, they did not hesitate to join us in the "Pader-Quellgebiet" to execute exciting experiments together with some of their classmates. Looking back, we can say that our students obviously had a lot of fun.

We explore Paderborn!2023-04-26T11:56:51+02:00

Résumé of our new student Wangmiao


Résumé of our new student Wangmiao Two months after her arrival in Paderborn, our new student Wangmiao draws a positive resumé. The 17-year-old from Nanjing (China) has settled in well and feels very happy at our boarding school. She says: “The rooms are well equipped and I like to have my own space, while having the opportunity to meet my classmates. I also like the city of Paderborn, because it is pleasantly quiet here and the people here enjoy their lives.” About the International School OWL she says: “I like that each class has only a few students and the teachers are very friendly. Even though English is actually one of my favourite subjects, I currently enjoy maths the most.”

Résumé of our new student Wangmiao2021-08-27T13:54:06+02:00

Handling the Corona Pandemic!


Handling the Corona Pandemic! The Corona pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to all of us. Significant safety steps had to be taken in classrooms and actually everywhere where contacts take place. Since the risks of such a pandemic and the restrictions that come with it are hardly predictable, we started very early to take comprehensive measures to reduce the risk of infection within our teaching and educational facilities, accommodation and offices. We are confident that through online teaching, home office and the responsible care of our staff, teachers and students, we have been able to prevent further restrictions and continue to offer our students the high level of teaching and learning they have come to expect at International School OWL. The approaching spring and the successful " start of vaccination" with more than 100,000 vaccine doses daily offer a first perspective on a open shops, regular classes and the long-lost contact with colleagues, friends and family.

Handling the Corona Pandemic!2021-03-04T13:07:52+01:00
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