
Handling the Corona Pandemic!


Handling the Corona Pandemic! The Corona pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to all of us. Significant safety steps had to be taken in classrooms and actually everywhere where contacts take place. Since the risks of such a pandemic and the restrictions that come with it are hardly predictable, we started very early to take comprehensive measures to reduce the risk of infection within our teaching and educational facilities, accommodation and offices. We are confident that through online teaching, home office and the responsible care of our staff, teachers and students, we have been able to prevent further restrictions and continue to offer our students the high level of teaching and learning they have come to expect at International School OWL. The approaching spring and the successful " start of vaccination" with more than 100,000 vaccine doses daily offer a first perspective on a open shops, regular classes and the long-lost contact with colleagues, friends and family.

Handling the Corona Pandemic!2021-03-04T13:07:52+01:00

School partnership with Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Shi Yan School


A milestone: School partnership with the Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Shi Yan School Well, there is reason to celebrate! Through the recently entered school partnership with the Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Shi Yan School (Beijing, China), we have now reached another major milestone. Together with our Chinese partner, we have developed a qualified educational programme that begins at the Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Shi Yan School in China and ends with the German Baccalaureate at the International School OWL. Students first take part in a two-year educational programme at Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Shi Yan School and then deepen their learning at the International School OWL in Germany. After four years, they graduate with the German Baccalaureate and thus have a strong understanding of the language as well as a solid basic knowledge in a choosen specialisation. Thus, our Chinese students are well prepared for a Bachelor's degree in Germany and worldwide.

School partnership with Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Shi Yan School2021-03-04T13:08:34+01:00
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